Hockey has the perception of being a dangerous game. While it can certainly be physical, it’s generally not dangerous in terms of life-or-death.
However, the reality is that the game is played on razor sharp metal blades at a very fast pace. There’s unfortunately always the risk of a freak accident. Luckily there are protective measures you can take to significantly reduce your risk of a catastrophic injury.
One of the best things you can do for your safety is to wear a BNQ certified neck guard. Here are the guidelines around neck guards as well as some of our favorite neck guards for every size and budget:
What Are The Neck Guard Rules For USA Hockey?
In January 2024, the USA Hockey Congress approved a new rule requiring the use of neck guards for all youth and junior hockey players as well as all officials under the age of 18.
If a player is caught playing without a neck guard, the first team offense is a required substitution of the offending player, but the second team offense is a misconduct penalty. If a player’s neck guard falls off during play, the play will continue until the next whistle but the players must retrieve the neck guard and put it back on before play resumes.
While USA Hockey does not require the use of neck guards for adult hockey players, they still strongly suggest adult hockey players wear neck guards as well as cut-resistant sleeves and socks.
What is BNQ® Certification?
The BNQ, or the Bureau de normalisation du Québec, is an independent third-party organization created by the Canadian government to oversee standardization, certifications and accreditations of products and services in Quebec.
Since 1990, the BNQ has released standards for hockey neck guards as well as proper testing procedures.
Best Budget Neck Guard: Shock Doctor Ultra 2.0
When it comes to traditional neck guards, the Shock Doctor Ultra 2.0 is our top recommendation. It’s simple, lightweight and fits well while still meeting all USA Hockey requirements as well as holding BNQ Certification.
Unlike other traditional neck guards from some of the other mainstream hockey brands, the velcro strap on this neck guard seems to be sturdy enough to last a while.
If you’re looking for a simple neck guard without adding much weight, this is a great option.
Best Base Layer Neck Guard: Warroad TILO Pro
One of the most convenient and comfortable ways to incorporate neck protection into your hockey equipment is by purchasing a base layer shirt with built-in neck protection. With this setup, there’s no additional equipment needed in your hockey bag and no additional bulky protection around your neck, which is the main complaint when it comes to wearing a neck guard.
Quite a few brands make base layers with neck protection, but Warroad is the only one that’s perfected it. Warroad was founded by NHL All-Star TJ Oshie, who has worn it on the ice during NHL games since it hit the market.
With a slim profile, robust straps that won’t come undone and antibacterial fabric, the TILO Pro is the Rolls Royce of neck protection. Plus as an added bonus, you also get the same cut-resistant protection on the wrist of the base layer, providing additional cut protection in another vulnerable area.
Best Cut Protection Neck Guard: Skate Armor
Skate Armor has been rated the #1 hockey neck guard by the Mary Clinic of Sports Medicine and was published in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine as “the most cut-resistant neck guard for preventing lacerations to the neck”.
The 2015 study evaluated the effectiveness of various hockey neck guards against a sharpened hockey skate blade. The results were terrifying to say the least.
They tested neck guards against low-force cuts, high-force cuts, 45 degree cuts and 90 degree cuts. Nearly all neck guards offered laceration protection at low force. But at high forces, only the Skate Armor neck guards protected the neck from cuts 100% of the time while all but one other neck guard failed 100% of the time.
Instead of using kevlar as it’s cut protection, Skate Armor uses a patented design with SpectraGuard Fibers – the same fibers used in cut-resistant gloves for industrial and military application.
According to the study:
“The Skate Armor neck guard was the only neck guard that incorporated Spectra Guard as its protective inner fabric. The Spectra fibers of the neck guard have a higher modulus of elasticity and tensile strength than Kevlar.”
In addition to superior cut protection, the soft flexible fabrics make Skate Guard neck guards some of the more comfortable neck guards on the market.
Best Impact Protection Neck Guard: Aegis Bib Neck Guard
The Aegis Bib Neck Guard is one of the more highly rated neck guards on, and that’s saying a lot in a category that is notoriously rated poorly.
The Aegis has two major benefits going for it. First, along with its Kevlar cut resistance, it also has impact protection inserts that protect your neck from blunt force trauma. Second, it has an extra long bib that keeps the neck guard securely and comfortably in place under your shoulder pads.
For a very cost-effective BNQ-Certified neck guard with ample protection and comfort in mind, you cannot go wrong with the Aegis Bib Neck Guard.
Can You Wash A Neck Guard In The Washing Machine?
Each neck guard has its own washing instructions which you should follow closely. Washing your neck guard incorrectly could compromise its protective capabilities.
Some neck guards are fully machine washable. Others have a removable cover that you can machine wash. Others are not machine washable at all. Even for the ones that aren’t machine washable though, you can still usually run them under a sink and spray them with Vapor Fresh to keep them clean.
Stay Protected While Staying Comfortable
With or without the requirement from USA Hockey, neck guards should become a regular piece of hockey equipment for every player that steps on the ice. It’s better to be safe than sorry.